Lowering the Bar
My favorite type of winter day: magical frost and sunshine!
Today is Ash Wednesday, 40 days before Easter and the first day of Lent for Christians. Growing up, giving up something for Lent wasn't part of my faith tradition, although I remember conversations with my Baptist and Catholic friends around what they were giving up for Lent. My family would attend evening church services on Ash Wednesday, often followed by potluck fellowship, and call it good until the following Sunday.
If you do not observe this season of Lent, perhaps your faith tradition has another time of preparation or you observe a secular time to reset, like the new year or a new school year. If you have fallen off the wagon a bit with your new year's resolutions, this can be the perfect time to try again.
I know I need a bit of a fresh start. This past January and February were particularly gloomy in Michigan, with very little sun or snow. I love a real winter with lots of snow and a few frigid days of sunshine thrown in. We also had illness in our family; nothing serious, thank goodness. The illnesses, combined with gray days on repeat were just enough to throw me out of alignment. I welcome a line in the sand to focus inward.
In my new year's message I shared that my goals for 2020 center around consistency in all of my work: with Simply Organized Life and in our home. Despite minor setbacks, I have been fairly consistent with my goals. Rather than throwing in the towel completely, I just lowered the bar. Doing a little bit, just enough, kept me going.
As we go into the season of Lent and closer to spring, I would like to encourage you to lower the bar for yourself. I am not saying do nothing; I am saying do enough to keep your forward momentum going. Meditate for ten minutes, or even five, if thirty feels impossible. Keep a one sentence journal. Just put on your athletic gear. Small things done consistently can really add up to sustaining positive habits.
If you would like to learn more about the science of small changes, I recommend reading James Clear's book, Atomic Habits. Atomic Habits picks up where Charles Duhigg's The Power of Habit leaves off. Where The Power of Habit tells us why our brains are wired the way they are, Atomic Habits shows us how to move ourselves in positive directions.
Speaking of positive direction....Is getting your papers organized one of your "20 for 2020"? There is still time to sign up for the Tame the Paper Monster Mini-Retreat on Sunday, March 1, 2020
At this mini-retreat, you will be guided through a simple process to sort, purge and organize your household papers. Guests will bring their unsorted paper piles to tackle throughout our time together. For three uninterrupted hours in supportive community, you can finally go through those nagging stacks. Secure shredding, recycling and trash services will be provided for what you no longer need. You will also receive recommendations for organizing existing and future household paperwork. A delicious and healthy snack will be provided.
Let's start the new year out physically and mentally lighter! Your future self will love you for it!
Save the date: Sunday, March 1, 2020, 1 to 4 p.m.
Location: Ruby's Makery, 8118 Main Street in lovely downtown Dexter, Michigan 48130. Ample street parking and public lots are available at no charge.
Cost: $75 all inclusive
Register with Ruby's Makery. Space is limited and I am not planning another mini-retreat for the foreseeable future.