
Welcome to Simply Organized Life! I am so glad you are here. Make your self a cup of tea and stay awhile. 

All My Best,  Carolyn

Source:   http://tracys-day.blogspot.com/

For the past two weeks, I have been writing about how to avoid the most common organizing mistakes. 

The last and most common mistake of the three is trying to buy our way out of disorganization. 

Purge First, Buy Later

I strongly believe that organizing is about what you do, not what you buy. While it is tempting to head out to your nearest big box store when you are ready to get organized, hold off on buying new organizing tools until you are near the end of your journey. 
About 90% of my clients never need to buy any organizing products while we are working together. When you let go of the excess in your life, you no longer need so many containers to hold your stuff. 

Carolyn Anderson-Fermann is a public speaker, organizing expert and founder of Simply Organized Life. To receive a free copy of Carolyn's "Secrets of a Simply Organized Life"and a monthly subscription to the e-newsletter "Your Simply Organized Life" sign up here

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Avoid Organizing Mistakes (Part 2 of 3)