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All My Best,  Carolyn

How to Recover Fast When Life Gets Messy

How to Recover Fast When Life Gets Messy


[embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/BCxtAPFwElN/?taken-by=simplyorganizedlife[/embed] There will be times in all of our lives when things fall about and we will feel like we have gone off the rails, so to speak. It happens to even the most organized among us, including myself. In my last post I wrote about our difficult February and just a few days ago I shared a photo of our cluttered coffee table on Instagram.

I pray that when things fall apart in your life, they will be relatively minor events that you can recover from fairly quickly. If a major life event such as birth, death, career change or relationship change occurs; please seek appropriate help for those challenging times.

We cannot prevent life's disruptions from happening, but we can take some simple steps to move ourselves out of crisis mode. In this post, I share three tips to help you recover fast when life gets messy:

  1. Remember Self Care---When life throws you a curve-ball, it's even more important to take care of yourself first. Why? Because if you continue to neglect your body, mind and spirit; you will continue to operate in crisis mode. Self care is no easy feat. In fact, it wasn't until recently that I have prioritized self care in my life with daily habits of sleeping plenty, eating healthy, exercising and quiet time. Looking back, I realize that there were entire years of my life where I was operating in crisis mode and feeling stressed.
  2. Practice Paperwork Triage---Last month the papers sure piled up in my home. Rather than trying to follow my usual systems for papers, I just plunked everything in a plastic basket and practiced paperwork triage; i.e. dealing with only the most important papers such as bills, until things settled a bit. Once the dust settled, I went back to the less important papers and further simplified my systems for dealing with day to day papers.
  3. Eliminate the Unnecessary---It's so easy to let extra "stuff" enter our lives:  physical possessions and time commitments. When things fall apart, somehow, we come back to our true hearts and figure out what really matters. In my own upheaval last month, it felt very cathartic to release clutter out of my home and find strategic ways to further simplify our family's life. I am even looking at ways to bring more simplicity and joy to my work with Simply Organized Life™.

Have things fallen apart for you? Are you an ambitious mom who feels overwhelmed by all you have to do? I would love to work with you! Fill out the Productive Lifestyle Scorecard on-line and I will contact you to schedule your complementary 30 minute Discovery Session via telephone, FaceTime or Skype.

More Simplicity, Joy and Connection

More Simplicity, Joy and Connection

When Things Fall Apart

When Things Fall Apart