
Welcome to Simply Organized Life! I am so glad you are here. Make your self a cup of tea and stay awhile. 

All My Best,  Carolyn

Is It Time for a Do-Over?

Is It Time for a Do-Over?

Forsythia in Bloom Spring has finally arrived here in Michigan! Our lawns are green again, the trees are budding out and early spring flowers seem to be popping up everywhere.

While the end of 2015 was a highly productive time for me personally, I didn't accomplish as much as I would have liked in January or February of 2016. I have decided to be okay with that. By mid-March I started to get back into the swing of things.

Here's the thing, we can always have a "do-over" and start fresh. We do not have to wait for another January 1st to roll around, or a new season, or our birthday. As long as we are breathing, we can start fresh now. Yes, now.

I would love to know your intentions for this spring! Please comment below.

Choosing Simplicity and Ease

Choosing Simplicity and Ease

Easing Tax Time Stress

Easing Tax Time Stress