I'm Back!
From Instagram: "North Carolina sunrise. Home one day and already pining to return to Asheville."
Hello Friends! I have missed you all!
It's been nine months since my last post. No, I did not have a baby during my time "away"! I have been working on lots of behind the scenes projects and personal development.
Back in July 2017, I let you all know that I needed some time off, to regroup. I fully expected to return in the fall of 2017, once my kids went back to school. At the same time, I was wise enough to be vague in saying: "You might not hear from me for awhile".
"Awhile" has passed and the time feels right to share an update. You see, I left my writing last summer, feeling burnt out, a bit stressed and pulled in so many different directions.
Over the last nine months, I have continued to clear out clutter from my mind, my calendar and my home. Our family enjoyed a little travel during my hiatus. A new website was launched. And, I started following the FlyLady system, in earnest this time. Our home is cleaner than it's been in years (and yet, I still need to gather up the ambition to clear the cobwebs that require a ladder).
I continue to let go of anything that no longer serves me well: my old mindset, memberships, negativity, doing things I "should" do, being busy, expectations. It's always changing, along with me.
All of this feels good. I feel good. And it's not perfect. It's good enough.
My attitude and my actions have lead me to feel in control, content and in alignment. It's become very clear to me what I need to do to keep my "stuff" together. This is where many of us struggle: feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to start or what to do.
I am curious if you have been there, feeling overwhelmed with life in general and just needing a break from it all? And, have you come out on the other side, feeling like you finally have it together?
Please share in the comments below or send me an e-mail. I would like to continue the conversation in May with some concrete tips that have helped me and might help you.
All my best,