Time to Regroup

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind for me.
We hosted a small get together and attended one too. We had a painter working in our home for five days doing much needed repairs to our half bath, laundry room and back hallway (where we typically enter and exit our home). My washing machine broke and needed to be replaced.
The kids finished out the school year mid-June. Someone scheduled a series of orthodontist appointments, piano lessons, eye exams, volunteer activities, VBS, swimming makeups, reading programs, summer studies and a trip to Grandma's house. I really need to practice what I preach when it comes to limiting activities.
All this has thrown me off my routines a bit AND I am grateful for the many blessings. There are still things to do, like getting the dusty bathroom curtains dry cleaned before putting them back up and keeping Simply Organized Life afloat.
For the next few months, I plan to take some time to regroup. You might not hear from me for a while, as the format of the blog will be changing, along with the focus of Simply Organized Life. I founded Simply Organized Life in 2005 and 12 years later am feeling the need to shake things up a bit. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, just in case you too need some time to regroup, I have some tips to make the most of it. We are officially halfway through 2017! It's a great time to recharge and make the best of the rest of the year. Here are some simple tips for taking the time to regroup:
- Prioritize: Take some time to figure out what's really important to you and refocus your daily life accordingly.
- Rest: Burning the candle at both ends is a sure fire way to get to burn out. Take time to rest.
- Adventure: Sometimes a change of scenery is just what we need. Adventure in your hometown or around the world.
- Finish a Nagging Project or Task: There's nothing like an unfinished project or nagging task to pull us down. Boost your spirit by finishing something or consciously deciding not to do it at all.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me. I love hearing from you in the comments below or on Instagram.