Learning to Say "No"
Snowy Sunrise. Photo by Carolyn.
Hello My Friends!
I know it has been a long time since my last post. Several months. I have been thinking about all of you all this time and yet, my personal circumstances did not afford me a chance to share with you. Now, the time feels right, before we turn the page of the calendar (or click) to 2019.
At the end of my last post, I wrote about how I was learning to say "no" in order to say "yes" to the best of life. The last few months I have said "no" to a lot and at the same time--perhaps as a result--felt more happy, content, relaxed and at peace than ever before.
Not every moment has been bliss filled. Nonetheless, each glimpse I get of a life with more ease, moves me forward in a positive direction. A lot of us, for a very long time, have been saying "yes" to so much. We have forgotten what makes us really, truly, happy. Or, in my case, I am not even sure if I ever felt true serenity.
The truth is, I spent so many years of my life being stressed, looking for the next big thing, pushing, striving and sadly, being basically unhappy. By saying "no" to more and more, I gave myself the time to sort things out, and enjoy life. What I found was a wonderful, blessed life, beyond the suffering.
At the end of the day, all of our suffering is in our heads. Some of us have experienced really horrific things. And those of us on a path of personal growth--yes, I count myself--will always find a way through the suffering. We are all seeking something in our own way. My way of late has been the way of less. The way of saying "no" in order to focus on that which gives me energy and joy. The way of moving toward what lights me up and away from the darkness and negativity.
I feel compelled to share this with all of you: friends, clients, seminar attendees, social media followers and folks that have found Simply Organized Life on the internet over the years. Maybe we have worked together in person to declutter your space. Or it might be that we met at a seminar, or have exchanged words in cyberspace. I send my compassion to you all, as we seek peace, ease, happiness through the process of organization. Here's the deal, it's never about the stuff in the room. It's about the stuff in our heads.
It is my wish that you will find a Simply Organized Life, whatever that means to you. To me, it's a clean and organized home. It's an office with a clear desk at the end of the day. It's time with my immediate family. It's feeling content and in control. As you go into a new year, remember to say "yes" to only those things that light you up.
All my best,