Meaningful Holidays
Last year’s post Thanksgiving turkey soup.
Hello Dear Friends:
I hope you are all well: physically, emotionally and spiritually. The past few months have challenged all of us in new and unexpected ways. Along with the challenges, our "new normal" has brought beautiful and unforeseen things to the surface.
As someone who prioritizes my health and is determined to stay healthy, I have been strictly social distancing since early March 2020. This is a privilege, I know. It might also be easier for me than some of my extroverted friends, as I love my solitude at home. I will stay here comfortably for as long as it takes.
Sadly, my children and husband miss so many things. And, we make these sacrifices for our future together. Over and over again, I think about my husband's parents and aunts and uncles who lived through World War II in Europe. Some relatives died. In comparison, staying at home, comfortably, with plenty of food to eat is simple, although not always easy for the mind.
Looking forward to the holiday season, I try to see the gifts we have been given this year:
The slower pace and connection with our nuclear families.
Being able to decorate our home beautifully, just for our own enjoyment.
Taking extra care with the holiday cards we send to the people we want to visit when this passes.
Making really nice dinners (and desserts) with wholesome delicious food.
Staying in and getting cozy on cold winter evenings.
For me, it's like the best, most authentic, holiday season.
There are challenges too; like shorter, masked, social distanced visits with my mother, who is the only person we are visiting these days. The children are not able to attend school or have their annual winter break sleepovers with friends. My husband and I would like to cultivate connections with dear friends. We all would enjoy some travel and adventure. Despite these challenges, we stay home, because that is the right thing to do.
From the start of this season of life, I looked at our isolation as a temporary sacrifice. None of us expected it to last so long. World War II dragged on for six bloody years and humanity continued.
My dear friends, as we are so blessed to enter, yet another holiday season, please make thoughtful choices. See the beauty in your daily life. Be thankful for your health and the health of those you love. If you have fallen ill or lost a loved one, grieve. Take care of yourselves and your fellow humans.
I wish you all happy, meaningful holidays!