Cooler days sure feel nice. However, we will miss fresh vegetables from the garden.
Hello Friends:
As always, I hope you are doing well! I continue to be thankful for the good health of my family, our home and plentiful food to eat; much of which lately has been from our backyard garden. The temperatures are getting cooler here in Michigan. The garden is slowing down. The days are getting shorter. Autumn is in the air. Transitions are upon us.
We are now transitioning into my favorite time of year. It's the time to prepare for winter and get cozy. This year it will be different as our schedule changes and our kids continue to learn from home. I welcome handing over the curriculum choices to professional teachers. For much of the spring and summer months, my husband and I kept learning going for our children. We need to transition once again into a different schedule and a different way of doing things.
No one knows what the months ahead will hold for us, particularly in regard to the coronavirus and the presidential election in the United States. We never know the future. With all that has happened in the last few months, the unknown can feel unsettling. While I cannot ignore all the suffering in the world, we have created a comfortable life at home. It's a blessing and a privilege.
In the transitions that lie ahead, I am not sure how I can help this hurting world. However, I do believe that each of our actions create a ripple effect. When I take care of myself and my family, I hope to create a little peace in the world (even on the days when we are struggling to get along). Hopefully, this peace with touch others that we interact with and those that they interact with. If a little invisible virus can travel around the world in a matter of weeks, maybe our peace and love for humankind can do the same.
Remember friends, we are not "stuck" at home, we are just getting cozy. Let's do what we can to make the best of it.
All my best,
P.S. The Simply Organized Book Club has formed over on Goodreads and members have selected The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd as our first read. If you would like to join us, please email me so I can send you a link to join the private group.