Any fellow book lovers out there?
Hello Friends:
Thank you! Thank you for reading! Thank you for sharing this journey with me! I am very grateful for all of you, especially those that have connected via email. Your words of kindness are always so encouraging.
In response to my last post, many of you shared what is bringing you joy during these uncertain times. Some of you are taking regular walks: alone, with spouses and with family. Others are practicing yoga and meditation. And one of you mentioned keeping an organized financial life, along with a clean and organized home. These are all such lovely activities.
Our family continues to social distance as much as possible, while it seems that many have forgotten about the coronavirus (and cases continue to rise). My husband likes to joke that I have been social distancing my whole life. I love interesting people and sharing my organizing tips through seminars. At the same time, solitude recharges me. My love of quiet seclusion may be the result of spending lots of time alone as a child. I was essentially a single child, with my next sibling leaving off for college around the time I entered kindergarten.
So, when the initial stay at home order came in March 2020, it was somewhat of a relief for me not to have to deal with pushy types, especially while experiencing concern for my family's health. It was easier not to have contact with others outside our family and almost comical when my extrovert neighbors (former stage performers) would see me outside. Bless their hearts, as I am not sure they understood that I just wanted to play ball with my dog, alone.
While my husband, kids and I feel that continuing to social distance is the best thing for our health and for society, even I am starting to feel a pull toward reconnecting in deep and meaningful ways. It's like COVID-19 has accelerated a cracking open of my soul. I feel a strong desire to live more authentically, seek out deeper friendships and maybe, eventually, create an extended family of choice. I have become less tolerant of rudeness or inappropriate comments and more willing to speak out against such behavior. A long and healthy life has become a core desire, as I continue to seek peace and harmony in my days.
It's a challenging time for an introvert to decide she wants a bit more connection. I was moving down this path at the beginning of the year. Then COVID made the simplest of things feel hard. It's time to reach out again, even if it's from home. I am reaching out to you, too, so we can get to know each other better. I would like to invite you to join me in starting a virtual book club for inspiration and personal growth. There are a couple of authors in my circle that might hop on a Zoom call with us to start.
If you are interested in joining my “club” send me an email, comment below or on Instagram. As always, I answer each message personally, even if it takes a really long time.
All my best,