Get Stuff Done
Did you know that you can recycle these things at IKEA?
Hello Friends:
Is it spring or autumn yet where you are? Here in Michigan, we are in the in between season, where winter is starting to let go of her grip and spring hasn't quite yet sprung. At any rate, I try my best to appreciate each and every day I am on this beautiful earth. This appreciation isn't easy, what with viruses and wars and inflation and...stop me now!
Continuing with my monthly themes for 2022, in March I used my three things practice to "Get Stuff Done". This is my theme for March. I am getting the little stuff done, like my daily routines for the laundry and cleaning, along with keeping the emails and papers from piling up too much. I am also getting bigger stuff done with relative ease.
The bigger stuff is the stuff of life that most of us are not fans of and getting it done gives us peace of mind. What am I talking about here? Here are some examples from my March list of bigger tasks, that may not be so big.
In March, I had to renew a passport and a driver's license. The passport renewal felt very big to me. A lot of not so big tasks, sometimes feel big to me. Can you relate? Almost always, these "big tasks" are quite easy when we just sit down to do it. The passport renewal turned out that way, with it taking just a few minutes one afternoon to fill out the forms. The next day, I popped into CVS for a photo and the post office across the street to mail everything out. The day prior I prepared my bag with the forms and a stapler; so I could get it sent off right away. I think the whole process took me 30 to 45 minutes. And, I am happy to report that within the month of March the new passport and driver's license already arrived in the mail.
This month, we have also filed our taxes, contributed what we can to long term savings both for our kids' college funds and the adults' retirement accounts. Medical checkups were taken care of and my kids were registered for next year's classes at school. One larger project (needing outside help) for our home was scheduled for June. There are other projects on my list. Finding quality contractors available to do the work within our budget is proving to be difficult in the current environment. My daily declutter ebs and flows, but I did take a bag of lightbulbs and a bag of used batteries (we are slowly switching to recharagables) for recycling. These all feel like big wins to me.
My list still has more things on it that perhaps I will ever finish and some days I just feel tired, not accomplishing as much as I would like or anything in particular. However, one step at a time, three things a day, I am gettting stuff done. I just have to keep the right mindset for these things to get done with ease.
I really want to know what kind of stuff you are getting done these days? Or, what are you struggling to get done? And if you know of some great contractors, send them my way!
As always...All my best,
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