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All My Best,  Carolyn

Closing Open Loops

In April, my family enjoyed an amazing trip to California (check out Simply Organized Life on Instagram for photos). We literally covered a lot of ground: visiting friends, seeing the ocean, driving up mountains and walking the steep hills of San Francisco. It was wonderful!
Then the mail came. Upon our return, daily life hit us with a huge stack of papers and things to do. I felt overwhelmed and a tad bit groggy from it all.
This trip must have been good for my soul. Once I got over the three hour time difference (and that stack of mail), I have been absolutely determined to close open loops that have been nagging me for a very long time. It's been one part spring cleaning and two parts mindset shift.
I have been clearing papers, cleaning, weeding flower beds, getting stuff done and feeling all the happier for it.
Closing open loops is not without struggle. Things come up. Seeing an empty desk and electronic in-box (if only for a few moments) fills me with joy and unexpected fear. Yes, fear. It's a little scary to clear out the clutter of our lives, because then the excuses start to fall away.
There are still plenty of other projects waiting for me AND in this new found determination I am seeing potential for what I like to call "found time". Closing open loops has brought me happiness, joy and the gift of time.
Comment below and tell me, what would you like to do with your "found time" once the clutter is cleared?
All my best,
How to Close Open Loops & Find More Joy

How to Close Open Loops & Find More Joy

Routines for a Happy Home

Routines for a Happy Home