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All My Best,  Carolyn

Summer Fun


Lake Superior Sunrise

How is your summer going? I would love to hear how you are enjoying the warm months and staying organized!

My summer is playing out nicely. It's not without challenges, but overall, I feel like I am making the most of this special time.

In June my family, including my 82 year old mother, visited the Japanese Gardens in Grand Rapids, Michigan. A week later we attended a concert and fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July. And most recently, we enjoyed a vacation in Northern Michigan.

Not every day is a vacation or special event. This summer I am also doing a bit of schooling with my children on the days we are home and doing my best to keep with with my non-negotiables.

In July, I felt inspired by Marie Kondo's books. While I didn't follow her exact order, I did let go of a few things that no longer "spark joy" including:

  • Passing on my kids' outgrown toddler bed to my niece who is expecting her second child.
  • Putting five boxes out on the front porch for Purple Heart. They magically disappeared!
  • Shredding a huge stack of old papers. My kids did the actual shredding for me.
  • Doing a little KonMari in the kitchen. Check out my Instagram feed for a photo!

We all need a little inspiration from time to time. In my next post I will share the titles of books that have inspired me lately. Please do comment below and share your favorite titles!

All My Best,


Reading to Inspire

Reading to Inspire

Non-Negotiables for Summer

Non-Negotiables for Summer