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All My Best,  Carolyn

What I Learned This Summer

What I Learned This Summer


Japanese Garden, Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 2015 As I mentioned in my last post, Summer 2015 ended on a bittersweet note for me. While my family enjoyed good times, and even checked some things off our bucket list; several days seemed rushed and exhausting.

What I learned this summer is a not only a guide for summers to come, but a guide for getting the most out of all our days and feeling good doing it. Here are three lessons learned:

1) Be Intentional:  Like most things that really matter in life, this is simple, but not easy. Being intentional is about knowing up front what you value and how you want to spent your precious resources. As families, we need to take the time to discuss what each member wants from special times like summer and holidays. This is our story, not someone else's.

2) Simplify:  For me, simplification is a such a close relative of intentionality that I find it challenging to tease out the differences. Our world is complicated in 2015. The more I simplify my life by eliminating unnecessary stuff and commitments, the easier it is to become intentional and live the life I really want for my family.

3) Get Up Early:  The days I get up early are often the days I feel my best. You can Google "benefits of rising early" to find out what the experts have to say, but I want to share my perspective as a busy mom with a never ending to-do list. Getting up early to have quiet and exercise saves my sanity. It makes me more patient, productive and an overall better person. It's so worth giving up evening activities to get up early.

What do these lessons have to do with living a Simply Organized Life™? Everything! As I state in my seminars, "We do not organize for the sake of organization, but it's a tool to enhance our lives". That's my ultimate goal, to help you live your best life.

My Organizing Journey™

My Organizing Journey™

Reflecting on Summer

Reflecting on Summer